Wilko Johnson + Glenn Tilbrook
Warrington Parr Hall
Friday 1st March 2019
Mention Wilko Johnson to any music lover who’s seen him live and they will tell you to go and see him.
I’ve never seen him before, so I was excited about tonight’s show, and now if anybody mentions him I’ll also tell them to go and see him!
With a mix of classics and new material it was all good honest Rhythm and Blues that made you want to forget your troubles and get up and dance. It started out as an all-seated gig, but it wasn’t long before there was a big crowd down the front going wild!
Strutting about the stage, Wilko is the perfect front man.
And what can you say about legendary Norman Watt-Roy? Whether you see him in The Blockheads or with Wilko, he always gives it his all, in a world of his own, practically having a love affair with his guitar, making incredible sounds. Superb.
With Dylan Howe on drums keeping it all together, it really is the music dream-team – an exciting band in a league of their own.
Support came from the mega-talented Glenn Tilbrook, lead singer of Squeeze. His set was quite varied with a mix of Squeeze Hits, solo numbers and even a cover of “Always something there to remind me”. He began with an acoustic guitar, before swapping for an electric guitar which, not being au-fait with the techinical side of music, I can only describe as he played in a hendrix-esque style!
Indeed at one point the audience started asking for Voodoo Chile! After laughing for a moment, he duly obliged before breaking into the squeeze hit “Tempted”.
Aside from being great musically, he is spreading awareness and promoting the important work of the Trussel trust foodbank charity and has even recorded an E.P. and donated merchandise fees to the charity.
It’s always nice to see an artist who has been hugely successful who tries to help those less fortunate, bravo!
All in all, the bands were perfectly matched and could not be faulted, there was a great atmosphere and the audience were clearly loving it. What more could you ask for in an evening’s entertainment?
Words + Pictures by John W. King
Also appears in Live Music Pix