Stella West is a 28 year old singer and songwriter from London, UK. With a Spaghetti western themed concept album due for release on 3rd June, Stella has teased two singles from the album this year. Teddy (No Lover Of Mine) is the latest single from Little Black Book With My Poems In and it does not disappoint. It sets the mood for the rest of the album and is reminiscent of Nancy Sinatra’s ‘Bang Bang, I shot you down’. Not only is Stella’s sound unique and haunting, but her lyrics are poetic and clever.
Stella was born in Tooting, London on 6th March 1993, as a child she listened to an eclectic mix of music after her mother and father separated. Her mother listened to The Rolling Stones, Guns N Roses and Pink Floyd, but when Stella visited her father in the summer he would turn up the likes of Otis Redding, Sophia George and Toots and The Maytals. With such a diverse range of music in her subconscious, Stella branched out and is not the kind of performer that hangs her hat on only one genre. You can clearly hear her influences and then her own interpretation of Blues and Dark Country music. At the age of 14, Stella West was taken out of mainstream education after suffering at the hands of bullies and peers. She had a long fight with her mental health, and didn’t return to education until her early twenties.
“In that time I was making music, and listening to music, and reading poems and writing and writing and singing and singing. Music understood me, or at least that’s how I saw it. And at that point in my life it was my only friend.”
When you hear Teddy (No Lover Of Mine) and Ode To The Devil (Mother Mary) you can hear in Stella’s voice a familiar but dark pain only blues singers can voice.

Keep an eye out for Stella West, we have a feeling this won’t be the last we hear from her.
Teddy (No Lover Of Mine) has a distinct production we now know as Ace Jimmer. A 36 year old freelance producer for underground artists from Spain and also Stella’s brother in law, he is producing the album and has so far turned an already glittering few songs into near masterpieces. Ace Jimmer is not only producing Little Black Book With My Poems In but has his own music and side projects. AKA “Quote The Joker”, he makes electronic and progressive beats and clearly has an open mind when it comes to genres and styles. You can contact Ace Jimmer via email below.
Stay up to date with Stella West
Twitter – @stellawestmusic
Facebook – @stellawestmusic
Instagram – @stellawestmusic
Contact Ace Jimmer for outstanding music production here: James_robinson54@yahoo.com