Carnival kingpins Fiesta Bombarda and WAH will be joining forces again as they bring a rave from beyond the grave with reggae royalty, MUNGO’S HIFI to Liverpool this Halloween.
Get your costumes ready for Friday 26th October as Camp & Furnace is transformed into a haunted crypt with gut-wrenching Reggae, Dub, Jungle and carnival sounds.
Joining the reggae heavyweights will be YT, electropical duo The Busy Twist, plus ghoulish guest DJs, frightening facepaints and deathly decor as you skank your way through your worst nightmares.
Mungo’s Hi Fi are a Glasgow-based sound system and production unit who pull off that rare trick of making reggae/dancehall that is original and of quality.
The brainchild of two likeminded dance DJs at the turn of the millennium, inspired by King Tubby, Prince Jammy and the UK’s Unity Sounds, Mungos’ Hi Fi remained true to reggae/dancehall’s DIY ethos, when they built their first sound system from speakers found in a skip and began producing on an old Atari.
Fancy dress is very much encouraged for the Halloween show on 26th October and tickets are on sale now via Skiddle here.