Genesix against all evil
The rapper Genesix surprise us with a brand new single ¨Devil Went Down to LA”, the theme of the song fits perfectly for the month of October, this track being released the day before Halloween. The catchy melodies being something he has done in multiple past songs, he took us by surprise by coming very lyrical on this track, at the same time the delivery being different by having such spacey ambient vocals it makes a whole different vibe when listening to it, it’s safe to assume Genesix can be labeled as an experimental artist, all of his past songs come with a different approach, a different vibe and a different sound and each new track shows a different style he hasn’t touched before, we are keeping an eye for what his next release will be and what sound he will be going for next.
Song Link: https://open.spotify.com/track/1r3XTTA4V4mkk0okz2t9vj?si=xoXPnHhoQAKH1sFcSc1Gdw
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