Will Bates’ latest project, The Pirate Album, marks a bold creative evolution beyond his established career in film scoring. The genesis of this album traces back to an unconventional decision Bates made during a film composition project: he rented a fifteen-foot-long balafon, a gourd-resonated xylophone. While this move initially displeased the director, leading to the project’s abrupt end, Bates was captivated by the potential of the balafon-infused sketches he had begun. Rather than letting the ideas fade, he chose to revisit and expand them, setting the foundation for what would become, The Pirate Album.

To bring these sketches to life, Bates enlisted the help of trusted collaborators, including jazz musician Quentin Collins and longtime percussionist Spencer Cohen. Drawing inspiration from eclectic sources like Eden Ahbez and Talking Heads, Bates infused the album with a blend of diverse musical influences. This collaboration resulted in a sound that not only showcases his versatility as a composer but also stands apart from his film work, offering a fresh, experimental approach to music-making.

The album’s creation wasn’t without its hurdles. As Bates continued to juggle film composition projects, progress on, The Pirate Album, slowed. However, a sync placement secured by music supervisor Lucy Alper reignited Bates’ focus on the project. This renewed dedication culminated in a vibrant collection of nine tracks that reflect Bates’ deep exploration of sound and genre.

At the heart of, The Pirate Album, is the balafon, whose resonant, melodic tones serve as a unifying thread throughout the record. Bates marries these tones with dynamic rhythms and rich textures, crafting a sonic landscape that oscillates between introspective moments and exuberant bursts of energy. This balance creates a listening experience that is as engaging as it is unpredictable.

The album’s tracks seamlessly transition from jazzy, brass-driven passages to experimental, groove-laden sections, echoing the influence of early Talking Heads. Yet, Bates maintains a distinctive voice, ensuring that each piece retains a sense of playfulness and intrigue. The resulting album is a multifaceted exploration of genre, where lush, cinematic expanses coexist with tight, rhythmic motifs.

Each track on, The Pirate Album, stands as a testament to Bates’ ability to innovate and push the boundaries of his musical expression. The album not only reflects his evolution as an artist but also his willingness to embrace the unexpected, turning what began as a discarded project into a compelling and cohesive body of work.

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Lauren Webber

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