I think it is by no mistake that Sundaze released their debut EP ‘l_i_g_h_t__n_i_g_h_t_s’ yesterday, 25th March 2018; otherwise known as the start of British Summer Time. I’m a summer kinda guy (by that I mean I like drinking cheap beer in a field) and this record has only made me long for those long warm nights spent chatting utter nonsense once again. In the words of the band “it’s literally just a few loved up songs for the summer” and I couldn’t agree more. If you like funky, chill, Mac Demarco-esque vibes, you’re going to love this summery bastard of a record.
Opener ‘U & Me (Us & Them)’ drops you straight into a dreamy zen-like state. The first thing that came to mind upon listening was easily Mac Demarco, in parts I couldn’t help but feel a late – very hippy – Beatles vibe. After an incredibly chill start you are slapped with ‘Half a brain’, confidently my favourite track. It takes up a funky, poppy and somewhat stripped back Gorrilaz sound which all comes together to bring that happy, let’s get a Kopparberg and sit in the garden feeling. Track number 3: ‘Let’s make a short film together’ is quick to remind you that these truly are ‘loved up songs for the summer’. Dropping back into that dreamy, zen-like state just in time for the final track of the EP ‘Chasing the moon’, a song which seems to assemble all 3 previous tracks into one rounded, smooth yet funky jam.
With summer fast approaching I hope to see more of Sundaze, a perfect festival feel band with a familiar yet unique sound. The 4-Track demands nothing from the listener; it is easy listening and is sure to make you feel a lil bit of something nice, even if you are a cold hearted cynic. Me mum likes it as well so it must be alright. Available on bandcamp to steam or download (name your own price) you’d be a fool not to check it out!
FFO: Slacker Rock, Dream Pop, Summer