There’s nothing better than fresh, raw talent by artists who are hungry to be heard. Liverpool’s Sound City Emerging Talent event was the kick-start to one hell of a year for the music industry.
Held in the depths of the Baltic Triangle, at District (also known as the Picket), keen teens and adults spent their Friday night in the company of four upcoming bands who are ready for the limelight. Some were better than others.
Shrinking Minds
Shrinking Minds were first to take the stage; late too. The band has a strange psychedelic sound, but the audience were up on their feet nevertheless. Their songs seem unpredictable in the sense of you’re unsure whether the next one will be a hit or miss. Their sound may only be satisfying to some, but the intensity of the drums throughout their songs gives the band that gig appeal. Overall, it was just like they were trying too hard to be cool.
Cut Glass Kings
Next up were Birmingham duo, Cut Glass Kings. Their punk rock energy was an immediate YES! They fit into the same sound as Royal Blood and it’s so intriguingly brilliant. Their unreal riffs and rock’n’roll vibes reminded the audience of what it’s like to feel goosebumps from new, live music.
Red Rum Club
Anyone who attending the gig will know who REALLY won best act of the night: Red Rum Club. With a unique sound combined with their theatrical presence, the sextet absolutely rocked the venue to its core and had everyone cheering like crazy. Liverpool born and bred, Red Rum Club have a ‘Tarantino-esque’ sound with a twang of the 80’s thrown in the mix. But, the solidarity trumpet really makes them special. They’re exactly what 2017 needs. Including current single ‘Alone Together’, which is taking pride place at track of the day for many, the band showed off their slick style and pure class. I was sweating just from watching them. Red Rum Club ended their set with crowd favourite, ‘Lonely’. Liverpool should be proud to have them as its own.
Wicked Whispers
The headliners finally took to the stage just before 11pm. The crowd slowly started to fizzle out, but The Wicked Whispers didn’t let anything distract them from their set. Clearly very talented musicians, the scouse five-piece owned their psychedelic 60’s sound. With only releasing their debut EP, The Dark Delights of The Wicked Whispers, on 10″ vinyl, we knew they would be cemented into their sound’s era. Their appearance showed it too with bowl-cuts and beards. Some have described their sound as a ‘hallucinogenic whirlwind’ and I completely agree. I have no idea what’s happening half of the time. But isn’t music about interpreting sound as an individual?
The night was a success, with the venue being hard to find but cosy inside its walls. It was filled to the brim with people by the end of Cut Glass Kings and for the beginning of The Wicked Whispers. People were just eager to hit the town.
Clearly the main band to look out for is Red Rum Club. They’re ridiculously good. Thank you Sound City for introducing Urbanista to these four emerging bands. Nothing beats live music, especially in the heart of Liverpool.