With a facebook tagline of ‘Stinking f**cking rock lords here, mate,’ you know from the off that Plastic are going to be fun, in your face, and not really arsed what your nan thinks. She may not like their grunge-rock, attitude-filled debut album, Here There is No Gravity, but that’s not going to make them lose sleep.
Released via Sweet Low Records, the Cheshire five-piece are bringing back the sounds of Cobain, Cornell, and Staley. It’s that dirty nineties Seattle sound rejigged for the twenty-first century. And there’s more correlations than just the music. Think about the illegal raves and exponential rise of house music during that decade and compare it to the techno-heavy landscape we currently have at our feet. This is arguably the best time for Plastic to try and turn the tide in the same manner as those frustrated young nineties’ teens who shouted down the snares, kick-drums, and acid-house neon lights, with long hair, denim jackets and guitars strapped to their backs.
There’s a journey to be taken with this album. More pop-driven tracks like Flossing welcome you in. There’s the anger of later tracks like Skin Is Peeling. Interspersed are more acoustic moments, then, grunge-driven instrumentals, and always, Matty’s vocals, filled with attitude, yet occasionally showing a sense of vulnerability, as if his anger has reached its pinnacle and the causes become clear in the eye of the storm.
As mentioned, the album pays tribute to the likes of Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden and Reef, yet somehow seems to stand separate. It is its own piece of work, not an imitation. Ironically, Plastic sound real. They sound old and they sound new. They sound like everything a current chart-topping record company would turn their noses at, and everything that could break down those systems and rise to the top regardless, shouting profanities as they go. They’ve got a busy schedule ahead, so check the dates below and get involved.
Available for streaming via Spotify or purchase via:
Upcoming dates:
4th May · The Salty Dog · Northwich
5th May · The Underground · Stoke
6th May · Liverpool Tattoo Convention · Liverpool
7th May · Eagle Inn · Manchester
8th May · The Sunflower Lounge · Birmingham
16th May · The Half Moon Putney · London