Renowned composer Jean-Loup Pinson has released a groundbreaking new EP, A Moment of Deathlessness, which seamlessly merges classical choral music, contemporary hip-hop, and electronic production. The project, inspired by the poetry of Emily Dickinson, brings together The Carice Singers, a renowned UK chamber choir, and hip-hop artists Armanious and Tanaka Fuego, creating an audacious sonic dialogue across time and genre.

Pinson’s compositions elevate Dickinson’s meditations on truth, mortality, and desire, blending them with modern spoken-word interpretations. “Emily Dickinson’s poetry speaks to universal themes of existence, and I wanted to explore those ideas from contrasting angles,” Pinson explains. This EP captures the tension and beauty of combining the classical and the modern, proving Dickinson’s relevance even in contemporary urban contexts.

Known for his versatility, Pinson has an impressive résumé in music for film, television, and theatre, contributing to notable projects such as Speer Goes to Hollywood and The Art of Waiting. His BAFTA Connect Membership and collaborations with figures like Frank Ilfman underscore his stature in the industry.

Now available on all streaming platforms, A Moment of Deathlessness, invites audiences to experience Emily Dickinson’s poetry in a bold, transformative light.

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Lauren Webber