Olivier Cheuwa has released a poignant Afrobeat anthem ‘Stranger’. Whilst delving into the depths of loneliness and longing, ‘Stranger’ is an introspective exploration of the artist’s inner world, wrapped up in the guise of an infectious, upbeat, summery single. Olivier is offering up a refreshing masterclass in his gospel-meets-Afrobeat sound. We talk to Olivier about the incredible single release…

Your new single “Stranger” delves into feeling like an outsider. Can you tell us more about the inspiration behind this song?

Thank you for the remark, the inspiration comes from my personal life, as an African growing out of the continent for a decade now. Every time I go back home, I feel disconnected from my country’s reality. It’s complicated. Also when I came back to Europe, where I spent almost my life, well-integrated,  I miss my culture.

What was the creative process like for “Stranger”? Did you face any challenges while making it?

It started with a bunch of ideas in the studio, at  first, the word that came was stranger, and we built a story around that, my friend’s producer added what was necessary to make the music interesting.

How do you blend Afrobeat and gospel elements in your music, especially in “Stranger”?

Afrobeat for me is the groove, the dancing part and  Gospel is the positive message that I want to share with people.

The song addresses deep feelings of loneliness and longing. How do you channel such powerful emotions into your music?

Loneliness is a positive thing for me, different from depression (smiling) loneliness is a reflection on our daily life, the moment that I take, (that each one of us should take), to go and find inside strength to continue our journey.

Your collaboration with Maggie Blanchard was a significant milestone. How did that partnership come about, and what did you learn from it?

Maggie Blanchard is a well-known gospel singer in the French international community, she discovered my music when I signed to her distribution label, she liked what I do, and had me doing her opening in concerts and that partnership really helped me to grow on stage, and becoming the artist, I am today.

What was your experience like participating in The Voice of Switzerland, and how did it influence your career?

Moving  from Canada, I did The Voice of  Switzerland , to actually meet new artists, in my  new country, that helped me connecting with local artists and today some of them are friends, i had no plan to win, just to use the platform to connect with medias that are helping today to promote my music.

Thank you so much for talking to us, Olivier! 

Listen to Olivier Cheuwa on SPOTIFY | APPLE MUSIC

Check out Olivier Cheuwa on Instagram | TIKTOK




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Lauren Webber

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