Boomtown or Bust If I had 3 words to describe Boomtown it would be Music, theatre and Magic.

This was my second Boomtown, and me and my mate Sam, where wondering if Boomtown could get any better than last year. This year was Chapter 11: A radical city. And it truly is.

Boomtown welcomes hundreds of creatives from across the Universe to celebrate UK music and theatre culture. They aspire to be a world of unity, creativity and freedom in their make believe city. The 66’000 capacity festival, is a sight to behold.
Boomtown is a place of new discoveries, you can rave in a forest to psy trance and look at all the weird and wonderful light shows and amazing people, listen to global underground music including reggae, ska, jazz, folk, hop-hop, jungle, techno, i could go on about the diversity of the music, it was literally insane to receive the eclectic mix of vibes.

So awesome and interesting that we didn’t find the main stage until the last day, I even missed Lauryn Hill who is one of my absolute faves. In fact I didn’t see a band on a main stage all weekend, so many other weird and wonderful places to discover.
The people of Boomtown seem to be free, they dress how they like, get weird and generally have an absolute ball.

The people’s living room was my favourite place. It was wellies off and get comfy on a couch, whilst listening to the most beautiful musicians.
Boomtown have a zero drugs policy, and they are stringent. You have been warned!
I can honestly tell you that Boomtown is one of the best parties i’ve had the pleasure of being invited to, and I for one, cannot wait for the next chapter. An absolute spectacle. Boomtown I salute you!
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